the pentagons are similar. the area of the smaller pentagon is 30m squared. what is the area of the larger pentagon in m squared?

To find the area of the larger pentagon, we need to know the scale factor between the smaller and larger pentagon. Since the pentagons are similar, their corresponding sides are proportional.

To find the scale factor, you need to compare the lengths of any two corresponding sides of the smaller and larger pentagons. Let's say the length of a side of the smaller pentagon is 'x' meters, and the corresponding side of the larger pentagon is 'y' meters.

Once we have the scale factor, we can use it to find the corresponding side length of the larger pentagon. Then, we can use the side length to calculate the area of the larger pentagon.

Could you provide any additional information on the pentagons or their scale factor?

not enough information here.

Their areas would be proportional to the square of their corresponding sides,
Were the sides given?