Jamie sketched the following picture of the landscape he saw while he was on vacation. It included cacti & barren rock. (picture of a desert)

What can you conclude about what kinds of plants can grow in this climate?

A) only plants that grow very rapidly can grow in this climate.

B) only plants that need frequent, heavy rainfalls can grow in this climate.

C) only plants that can survive with very little water can grow in this climate.

D) only plants that can handle both extreme heat & cold can grow in this climate.

What is your answer?

To conclude what kinds of plants can grow in this climate based on the given information, we can look at the features of the landscape sketched by Jamie, which includes cacti and barren rock.

Cacti are a type of plant that can survive in arid and desert-like environments, which typically have very little water. They have adapted to store water in their thick stems, allowing them to withstand long periods without rainfall. The presence of cacti in Jamie's sketch suggests that plants capable of surviving with very little water can grow in this climate.

On the other hand, the presence of barren rock in the sketch indicates that the soil in this climate may not be very fertile or suitable for most plants. This supports the idea that only plants adapted to survive in harsh conditions, such as those with limited water supply, can grow in this climate.

Combining these factors, we can conclude that only plants that can survive with very little water can grow in this climate. Therefore, the correct answer is option C) only plants that can survive with very little water can grow in this climate.