brothers homework question, he is up set and even i can't do, seams simple, but i just am not getting it.

"If 2*6=4,
4*1=7 and
find the value
of 5*5."
thanks guys

Your number symbols must not have their normal integer meanings, because none of those statements are true.

Is your "*" symbol supposed to indicate multiplication, as it normally does when used in equations?

It looks similar to an old puzzle

so 5+5=8

based on the number of letters

two + six = 6
four + one = 7
eight + three = 10
five + five = 8

This might give a clue, but I can't see the answer at the moment.

Jimbo, I think DrRuss has found the correct "solution"

I don't place much value on these kind of math problems, if they can be called that.
I think this kind of problem should be considered recreational, for a teacher to assign it as "homework" and causing a student to be upset is ill-conceived.

I am not a fan of these either apart from as an 'end game' to wind down a lesson.

It’s a tough algebra question

Solution a*b=12 –(a+b)

The mystery value is 2.

taj mahal is an indian temple.go to google for forther info

hey, jqzbh cfphyvw

your spelling is a little wrong, it might be some colloquial spelling or whatever but here it is..

khalarm øµjy foxy herr, empikl ngrœ UPS vawpuk turi çyƒåoup

that should be correct...

The answer is 6. Trust me, if you look closely, it's 6.

You have to add and subtract a few and multiply and DIVIDE! So many,


i cant tell the difference ....

i cant even do it and im in year 12

To find the value of 5*5, we need to look for a pattern in the given equations. Let's break it down step by step:

1. If 2*6=4: Here, we multiply 2 by 6 and get 4. So, the equation seems to be (first number * second number) = (result).

2. If 4*1=7: Here, we multiply 4 by 1 and get 7. This equation is different from the first one. So, it looks like there might be a different rule for each equation.

3. If 8*3=1: Here, we multiply 8 by 3 and get 1. Again, this equation is different from the previous two.

Now, since there is no consistent pattern or rule evident in the given equations, it is difficult to determine the value of 5*5 based solely on the information provided. This might be a trick question or missing some crucial information.

If you think there might be a typo or additional information needed, it would be best to seek clarification from the teacher or the person who assigned the homework.