if 34 baby boys were born in a week and that was 54% how many girls were born in that week

0.54x = 34

x = 34/0.54

x = 62.96 = 63 total babies

63 - 34 = 29

To find the number of girls born in that week, you can first calculate the total number of babies born. Since the 34 baby boys represent 54% of the total, we can use this information to find the total number of babies born.

Let's set up an equation:

34 (boys) = 54% (total babies)

To find the total number of babies, we can divide both sides of the equation by 54%:

34 (boys) / 54% = total babies

To express 54% as a decimal, divide it by 100:

0.54 = total babies

Now we can solve for the total number of babies:

total babies = 34 (boys) / 0.54

Calculating this value, we get:

total babies ≈ 62.96

Since you cannot have a fraction of a baby, we can assume that there were 63 babies born in that week.

To find the number of girls born, we subtract the number of boys from the total:

total babies - 34 (boys) = number of girls

So, 63 - 34 = 29

Therefore, in that week, approximately 29 baby girls were born.