Writeacher, can you check these sentences, please? Thank you very much.

1) The Great Fire broke out in London in 1665.
2)London was hit by the Fire in ...
3) The Great Fire burst out (?) in London in..
4)This accelerated a secret plan to bring in William of Orange, the husband of James's Protestant daughter. (what does bring in mean?)
5)James II asserted the divine right of the monarch and began putting Catholics in positions of power in every branch of public life.
6) The Glorious Revolution took place in 1689 (and originated/resulted) from the cooperation between the crown and the Parliament. This revolution was called glorious to celebrate the bloodlessness of the deposition of James II.

3. "occurred" would be better than "burst out"

4. Someone had a secret plan to make William of Orange the king.

6. "originated" and "resulted" are almost opposites. What are you trying to say here?

I can help you check those sentences! Here are the corrections and explanations for each sentence:

1) The Great Fire broke out in London in 1665.
- Sentence is correct.

2) London was hit by the Fire in ...
- The sentence is incomplete since the year is missing. Please provide the year to complete the sentence.

3) The Great Fire burst out (?) in London in..
- Instead of using "burst out," it is more common to use "broke out." So the correct sentence would be: "The Great Fire broke out in London in..." Again, please provide the year to complete the sentence.

4) This accelerated a secret plan to bring in William of Orange, the husband of James's Protestant daughter. (what does bring in mean?)
- To "bring in" means to introduce or bring someone into a particular situation or position. In this case, it refers to the secret plan to introduce William of Orange into the political landscape.

5) James II asserted the divine right of the monarch and began putting Catholics in positions of power in every branch of public life.
- Sentence is correct.

6) The Glorious Revolution took place in 1689 (and originated/resulted) from the cooperation between the crown and the Parliament. This revolution was called glorious to celebrate the bloodlessness of the deposition of James II.
- Both "originated" and "resulted" can be used to complete the sentence, depending on the context. If you want to show that the cooperation between the crown and the Parliament led to the revolution, you can use "resulted." However, if you want to emphasize that the cooperation between the two parties was the origin or beginning of the revolution, you can use "originated."

I hope this helps!