A solid object can be deformed in three fundamental ways. A roof is held up by support columns inside the building. The deformation of the column caused by the roof is

A. Compression and Tension
B. Shear
C. Bulk

Compression and Tension

To determine the deformation of the column caused by the roof, we need to understand the different types of deformations that can occur in solid objects.

1. Compression: This occurs when a material is subjected to forces that push or squeeze it together, causing it to shorten in size. It is like compressing a spring.

2. Tension: The opposite of compression, tension occurs when a material is subjected to forces that pull it apart, causing it to elongate. It is like stretching a rubber band.

3. Shear: Shear deformation occurs when forces are applied parallel to the surface of the material, causing it to slide or deform in a parallel manner, rather than changing its volume.

4. Bulk: Bulk deformation involves changes in the volume of a material caused by external forces, such as compression or tension exerted from all directions.

Now let's consider the scenario where a roof is held up by support columns inside the building. In this case, the deformation of the column caused by the roof is likely a result of the forces applied to the column.

The roof exerts downward forces on the support column due to its weight, which can cause the column to compress and experience compression deformation. This is because the support column undergoes a reduction in size as it bears the weight of the roof.

Therefore, the deformation of the column caused by the roof is compression (A) as well as potentially tension, depending on the specific forces at play. However, it is important to note that the column may experience other types of deformations as well, such as shear or bulk, depending on the design and specific loadings.