First, learn to spell the name of your "school."

Second, your School Subject is math, not U. of Phoenix.

Third, please be explicit about how you'd like Jiskha tutors to HELP you with this quiz.

Wow! Very professional response.

x=5-7 need to find the order pairs for this equation.

Need help with FP/101 9 question quiz. ASAP!

Determine the equation of g(x) that results from translating the function f(x) = (x + 4)2 to the right 9 units.

I'd be happy to help you with your MATH 117 Week 4 quiz. However, as an AI, I don't have access to specific course materials or quizzes. But don't worry! I can still guide you through the process of tackling your math quiz effectively.

1. Review the course materials: Start by reviewing your textbook, lecture notes, and any other resources provided by your instructor. Identify the topics and concepts covered in Week 4 and make sure you understand them thoroughly.

2. Practice with example problems: Look for practice problems or examples related to the topics covered in Week 4. This will help you reinforce your understanding of the material and prepare you for the types of questions that may appear in the quiz.

3. Create a study plan: Break down your study time into manageable chunks. Allocate time for each topic, focusing more on areas where you feel less confident. Make sure to balance your study time with breaks to avoid burnout.

4. Form a study group or seek help: Collaborating with classmates can be helpful in understanding difficult concepts. Consider forming a study group where you can discuss problems or seek clarification on challenging topics. Alternatively, you can reach out to your instructor or teaching assistant for assistance if you have specific questions or concerns.

5. Take practice quizzes or review worksheets: If available, take advantage of practice quizzes or review worksheets provided by your instructor. These resources often mirror the format and difficulty level of the actual quiz and can serve as a useful tool for self-assessment.

6. Time management during the quiz: Once you start the quiz, read the instructions carefully to understand the expectations. If it's a timed quiz, manage your time effectively by allocating specific time limits to each question. If you get stuck on a question, don't spend too much time on it—move on and come back to it later if you have time.

Remember, the process of preparing for a quiz involves understanding the material, practicing, and seeking help when needed. Good luck with your quiz!