what is the only emotion that males express freely than females in every day interaction

A.anger B.Sorrow C.Embarrassment

I think it is A but not sure because at time girls are the more aggresive ones.
please help

This is a terrible question! It's telling you to stereotype gender behavior.

I assume this is an online class in which you have no contact with the teacher. That's a shame, because the only legitimate response to this question is to throw it out.

My answer is anger.

To determine which emotion males express more freely than females in everyday interactions, we can first analyze each option:

A. Anger: It is commonly believed that men tend to express anger more openly than women. However, it is not accurate to say that males universally express anger more freely than females in every situation.

B. Sorrow: Both men and women can express sorrow, although societal expectations may influence how each gender displays this emotion.

C. Embarrassment: It is generally observed that women might express embarrassment more often than men, as societal norms can sometimes place greater pressure on women to conform to certain expectations.

D. Envy: Envy is not necessarily influenced by gender, and both males and females can experience and express this emotion to varying degrees.

Given this analysis, it seems that the most appropriate answer is A. Anger. However, it is important to note that emotions can be complex and fluid, varying depending on individuals and specific contexts. While there may be general trends, it is always crucial to remember that individuals differ, and not all men or women express emotions in the same way.