Typically when paired with a boy in a laboratory play session, a two year old girl is likely to

A. stand idly while the boy explores the toy
B.assume domineering behavior, telling him what to do
C.actively explore the surroundings
D.play cooperatively with the boy

I think its A
please help

I disagree.

It's B.

Oops. You were correct, it is A, just read it in my text book :-) "By age 2, girls appear overwhelmed by boys' rambunctious behavior. When a girl and a boy are paired in a laboratory play session, the girl is likely to stand idly by while the boy explores the toys."

To determine the most likely behavior of a two-year-old girl when paired with a boy in a laboratory play session, we can consider typical developmental patterns and behaviors of children at that age. While every child is unique and may exhibit different reactions, there are some common tendencies.

At the age of two, children are often engaged in parallel play, where they play alongside each other rather than together. It is also important to consider gender differences that may influence behavior. However, it's important to note that individual temperament and personality can also play a role.

To answer the question, we can eliminate options based on this information.

Option A suggests that the girl would stand idly while the boy explores the toy. While this is possible, it is not necessarily the most typical response.

Option B suggests that the girl would assume domineering behavior, telling the boy what to do. While some children may display this kind of behavior, it is not the most common response at this age.

Option C suggests that the girl would actively explore the surroundings. This is a possibility, as children at this age are curious and eager to explore their environment.

Option D suggests that the girl would play cooperatively with the boy. At the age of two, cooperative play is less common, so this may be less likely.

Based on this reasoning, the most likely answer is C – the two-year-old girl would actively explore the surroundings when paired with a boy in a laboratory play session. However, it's important to remember that children's behaviors can vary, and this answer may not always be applicable in every situation.