please help me if this is correct i have made for my homework.

instruction is below:
As a customer service manager for a local software development company, you want to create a user manual for one of the software applications your company develops. The purpose of the manual is to support your customers in purchasing and using the software.
Describe the three main steps of the technical writing process and how you would use these steps to create the manual mentioned in this scenario.
Explain the objectives of technical writing.

my answer.

The Technical Writing Process

The three main steps of the technical writing process are pre-write, write, and rewrite.
The first step is pre-write.
By starting this step I will gather all my information and thoughts about purchasing and using the software for the manual. I will create an outline to examine my purposes and determine my main goals. This will organize my words, and this will also allow my readers to follow along easily.

I will also consider my audience so that I can determine how I will deliver the content. I am a customer service manager so this means that my audience will be the average, everyday person. They will most likely not have much information about the software manual I will be creating. Knowing this, I need to make sure I write enough details that are easy to follow. I will need to have detailed instructions with visuals, graphs, or charts for easy understanding. My audience may have different backgrounds which are multicultural, that speak different languages, and have different expectations. I must consider this when I am communicating. I need to make sure not to offend anyone, stay away from stereotypes, and write with respect for my audience.

The next step would be to start writing my rough draft using my outline a

It's fine so far.

s a guide. In this step, I will expand on each section of the outline and provide detailed information about purchasing and using the software. I will use clear and concise language to ensure that the readers can easily understand the instructions. I will also include relevant screenshots or diagrams to enhance the clarity of the instructions.

After completing the rough draft, the next step is to rewrite and revise the manual. In this step, I will review my writing for clarity, coherence, and correctness. I will ensure that the content flows smoothly and that there are no gaps or inconsistencies in the instructions. I will also check for any grammatical or spelling errors and make necessary corrections. Additionally, I will seek feedback from colleagues or experts in the field to get their perspective and suggestions for improvement.

By following these three steps of pre-writing, writing, and rewriting, I can create a comprehensive and user-friendly manual for the software application. This process allows me to organize my thoughts, consider my audience, and refine my writing to ensure that the objectives of the technical writing are met.

Objectives of Technical Writing

The objectives of technical writing are as follows:

1. Clear communication: The primary objective of technical writing is to convey information clearly and effectively to the intended audience. It involves using concise and precise language to explain complex concepts or procedures in a straightforward manner.

2. User-focused documentation: Technical writing aims to create user-friendly documents that provide instructions or information in a way that is easy to understand and follow. It considers the background, knowledge level, and needs of the target audience to ensure that the content is accessible and meets their requirements.

3. Accuracy and completeness: Technical writing strives for accuracy and completeness in presenting information. It involves thorough research, fact-checking, and verification of the content to ensure that it is reliable and trustworthy. It also ensures that all necessary details and steps are included to avoid confusion or misunderstandings.

4. Consistency and organization: Technical writing maintains consistency in terminology, formatting, and style throughout the document. It uses headings, subheadings, and other formatting elements to organize the content logically and facilitate easy navigation. This helps readers locate information quickly and enhances the overall user experience.

5. Visual aids and accessibility: Technical writing often incorporates visual aids such as diagrams, illustrations, or screenshots to enhance understanding and provide visual cues. It also considers accessibility requirements, such as providing alternative text for images, using proper color contrast, or accommodating different reading technologies for individuals with disabilities.

By adhering to these objectives, technical writing ensures that the user manual effectively supports customers in purchasing and using the software application, making it a valuable resource for them.