what did support for the war effort by women help them win in counries like Britain and the United States once the war was finally over? right to vote

Assuming you're talking about WWI, you're right. :-)

Who came to power in Russia after the overthrow of the czar? V. I. Lenin

Right. :-)

Support for the war effort by women in countries like Britain and the United States played a significant role in advancing women's rights, particularly in gaining the right to vote. Here's how their contribution during the war influenced this outcome:

1. Increased Recognition: Women's role in supporting the war effort led to increased recognition and acknowledgment of their capabilities and contributions. This challenged traditional gender norms that confined women to domestic roles and raised public awareness of their capabilities beyond the home.

2. Shift in Perceptions: As women took on new roles in the workforce, serving in various industries and organizations previously dominated by men, it challenged the perception that women were inferior or incapable of undertaking certain tasks. This shift led to a reassessment of gender roles and paved the way for greater gender equality.

3. Demands for Equal Rights: Women's participation in the war effort brought about a sense of empowerment and agency. Many women became more aware of the existing gender inequalities and demanded equal rights and opportunities. This vocal awakening fueled the suffrage movement, advocating for women's right to vote.

4. Political Influence: The active engagement of women during the war, coupled with their newfound recognition and demands for rights, led to increased political influence. Women organized and mobilized their efforts to lobby for suffrage, and their collective voice could no longer be ignored by policymakers.

5. Post-War Reforms: In the aftermath of the war, governments underwent significant social and political reforms. The women's suffrage movement gained momentum, and policymakers recognized the need to address long-standing gender disparities. As a result, women in countries like Britain and the United States were eventually granted the right to vote.

In summary, the support of women during the war effort helped to reshape societal perceptions, increase political influence, and create a conducive environment for advocating women's suffrage. The demand for equal rights and recognition played a pivotal role in securing voting rights for women once the war was over.