Dean associates certain activities,roles,and traits as being typical for either males or females.His associtions conform to cultural stereotypes and encompass many gender-linked responses.This is an example of:

A.roles B.Identity C.Atypicality

I think its B. Am I correct

Based on your description, the example you provided aligns with the concept of gender stereotypes. Gender stereotypes are generalizations and expectations about how males and females should behave, based on cultural norms and beliefs. In this case, Dean's associations of certain activities, roles, and traits as being typical for either males or females reflect adherence to these cultural stereotypes.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is B. Identity.

Identity refers to an individual's sense of self, which includes their understanding and perception of their own gender. Dean's associations are related to the perceptions and beliefs about gender roles and expectations, rather than being about personal identity or atypicality.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.