5. The success of the blizkrieg depended mainly on superiority in

a. nuclear weapons
b. naval power
c. defense strategy
d. mobile ground troops

10. It was difficult to write a peace treaty according to the Fourteen Points because the
a. Germans wouldn't accept it
b. United States opposed it
c. European allies didn't trust Wilson
d. European nations had secret treaties that conflicted with it

16. Great Britain declared war after German troops marched into Belgium because
a. it wanted Belgium as an ally
b. Germany might seize control of the English Channel
c. Germany was violating the 1839 guarantee
d. Belgium did not have an army to defend itself

18. The Boxer Rebellion, the Open Door Policy, and the Treaty of Portsmouth all
a. strengthened China
b. contributed to an increase in Chinese trade
c. weakened China
d. helped to close China to foreign trade

19. One of the causes of the Great Depression was
a. rising wages and prices
b. falling wages and prices
c. very slow fluctuations in business activity
d. inconsistent growth in agricultural production
Not sure between B and C..


5. d

C in 18. Boxer's Rebellions was when Chinese natives brutally killed foreigners.

For question 5, the success of the blitzkrieg depended mainly on superiority in d. mobile ground troops. This type of warfare emphasized the use of fast-moving tanks, airplanes, and infantry to quickly penetrate enemy lines and disrupt their defenses. By having highly mobile ground troops, the blitzkrieg strategy allowed for rapid advances and caught adversaries off guard.

For question 10, it was difficult to write a peace treaty according to the Fourteen Points because d. European nations had secret treaties that conflicted with it. The Fourteen Points were a set of principles for peace proposed by President Woodrow Wilson during World War I. However, many European nations had already made secret agreements amongst themselves, which contradicted the principles outlined in the Fourteen Points. This made it challenging to find a compromise and reach a peace treaty that satisfied all parties involved.

For question 16, Great Britain declared war after German troops marched into Belgium because c. Germany was violating the 1839 guarantee. The invasion of Belgium by the German army in 1914 violated the Treaty of London (1839) which had guaranteed Belgium's neutrality. Great Britain, as one of the signatories of the treaty, felt obligated to defend Belgium and consequently declared war on Germany.

For question 18, the Boxer Rebellion, the Open Door Policy, and the Treaty of Portsmouth all c. weakened China. The Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901) was an anti-foreigner movement in which Chinese secret societies sought to expel foreign influence from China. The Open Door Policy (1899) was a diplomatic initiative proposed by the United States to ensure equal economic access to China among various foreign powers. The Treaty of Portsmouth (1905) ended the Russo-Japanese War, but forced China to cede territory to Russia and Japan. Collectively, these events weakened China's sovereignty and control over its own affairs.

For question 19, one of the causes of the Great Depression was b. falling wages and prices. During the Great Depression in the 1930s, there was a significant decline in wages and prices, leading to a decrease in demand and economic activity. This resulted in widespread unemployment, bank failures, and a severe economic downturn. While there were other factors contributing to the Great Depression, such as inconsistent growth in agricultural production, falling wages and prices played a significant role.