I need help putting these in chronological order:

Munich agreement
Attack on Poland
Invasion of the Soviet Union
Recapture of the Philippines by Allies
Invasion of Italy




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They are right -- except that the recapture of the Philippines happened last -- in 1945.

To put these events in chronological order, you need to determine the historical sequence in which they occurred. One way to approach this is to look at the dates associated with each event. Here's how you can order them chronologically:

1. Attack on Poland: This event started World War II and occurred on September 1, 1939.
2. Invasion of the Soviet Union: This event refers to Operation Barbarossa, which began on June 22, 1941, during World War II.
3. Munich Agreement: This agreement, in which British and French leaders allowed Nazi Germany to annex parts of Czechoslovakia, took place on September 29, 1938, before the outbreak of the war.
4. Invasion of Italy: This refers to the Allied invasion of Sicily, which started on July 9, 1943, during World War II.
5. Recapture of the Philippines by Allies: This event spanned from October 1944 to March 1945, when Allied forces took back control of the Philippines from Japanese occupation.

Applying this chronological order, the events would be:

1. Munich Agreement
2. Attack on Poland
3. Invasion of the Soviet Union
4. Invasion of Italy
5. Recapture of the Philippines by Allies