a construction worker accidentally knocks a brick from a building so that it falls in 4s to the ground.calculate

a) the velocity of the brick as it hits the ground
b)the distance fallen of the brick


d= vi*t+1/2 a t^2

To calculate the velocity and distance fallen of the brick, we need to make a few assumptions:

1. We will consider the brick falling in a vacuum, neglecting air resistance.
2. We will assume the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s².

With these assumptions, we can proceed with the calculations.

a) The velocity of the brick as it hits the ground:
The velocity of an object in free fall can be calculated using the equation:
v = u + gt

v = final velocity
u = initial velocity (which is 0 m/s as the brick starts falling from rest)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²)
t = time taken to fall (4 seconds in this case)

Substituting the values into the equation:
v = 0 + (9.8 m/s²) * 4 s

v = 0 + 39.2 m/s

Therefore, the velocity of the brick as it hits the ground is 39.2 m/s.

b) The distance fallen by the brick:
The distance fallen can be calculated using the equation of motion for free fall:
s = ut + (1/2)gt²

s = distance fallen
u = initial velocity (0 m/s)
t = time taken to fall (4 seconds)
g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²)

Substituting the values into the equation:
s = 0 * 4 + (1/2) * 9.8 * (4²)

s = 0 + 0.5 * 9.8 * 16

s = 0 + 4.9 * 16

s = 78.4 meters

Therefore, the distance fallen by the brick is 78.4 meters.

To calculate the velocity of the brick as it hits the ground and the distance fallen, we can use the equations of motion. The equations of motion are derived from the laws of motion and can help us analyze the motion of objects.

Before we proceed, I need to know a few details. Could you please provide the time it takes for the brick to fall in 4s?