Jada's house is 8 blocks from school. How many blocks does she ride her bike TO AND FROM school in 5 days? Explain how you found your answer

Does she ride every day?

The round trip is 16 blocks, doing that five days is 5x16=?

Thanks ! couldn't wait though lol so I had my mom help me. :D


To find out how many blocks Jada rides her bike to and from school in 5 days, we need to calculate the total distance for one round trip and then multiply it by the number of days.

Since Jada's house is 8 blocks from school, riding her bike to school would be a distance of 8 blocks. To calculate the round trip, we double this distance, which gives us 8 blocks (to school) + 8 blocks (returning home) = 16 blocks per day.

Now, to find the total distance in 5 days, we multiply the round trip distance (16 blocks) by the number of days (5 days).

16 blocks × 5 days = 80 blocks

Therefore, Jada rides her bike a total of 80 blocks to and from school in 5 days.