I'm so confused with these-please check them.

¿Estudias algo los sábados?
No, no estudio nada los sábados.Do I need the no, no or just one no, estudio?

¿Hablas a francés a veces?

No, no hablo nunca a francés.

Once again, do I need no, no hablos or just no, hablo nunca?

You have 2 choices here. Some how using "no" twice makes it seem a stronger statement. No, no estudio. vs No estudio. = No, I do NOT study vs I do not study.

¿Hablas francés? (delete that extra "a")

Actually, with the strong negative word "nada" you have a third choice! Nada estudio los sábados. CAUTION with the last statement. "No, hablo nunca" is incorrect because of the comma after No. It must be either: No hablo nunca. OR No, no hablo nunca. (and even: "No, nunca hablo OR Nunca hablo."

Hopefully this will clarify it for you.


Thank you so much for explaining it-I think I got it this time.

In Spanish, the use of "no" twice is common to emphasize a negative statement. Let's break down the sentences to understand it better:

1. ¿Estudias algo los sábados? (Do you study anything on Saturdays?)
- The answer "No, no estudio nada los sábados" translates to "No, I don't study anything on Saturdays."
- In this case, both "no" are used to make a stronger negative statement.

2. ¿Hablas a francés a veces? (Do you speak French sometimes?)
- The answer "No, no hablo nunca a francés" means "No, I never speak (in) French."
- Again, both "no" are used to emphasize the negative meaning.

So, in both cases, it is correct to use "no" twice to convey a stronger negative response.