How does a periscope work when it has 2 mirrors and light?

A.Lenses refract the light
B.Light bends as it travels and mirrors bend the light more
C.Light travels in a straight line and the mirrors reflect the light
D.Lenses and mirrors reflect the light

Reflect means to bounce off
Refract means to bend

The correct answer is C. Light travels in a straight line and the mirrors reflect the light.

A periscope works by using two mirrors to redirect light, allowing the viewer to see objects that are not in their direct line of sight. When you look into one end of the periscope, light enters through a small opening called the objective lens. This light then travels in a straight line through a tube to the first mirror in the periscope.

Once the light hits the first mirror, it reflects off the mirror’s surface at an angle. The mirror is angled specifically so that the light will bounce off in a different direction, towards the second mirror. This is where reflection comes into play - the light reflects off the mirror's surface, bouncing back and changing its direction.

The light then hits the second mirror, which is angled to reflect the light once again, redirecting it towards the viewer's eye. This allows the viewer to see an image of objects that are outside their direct line of sight.

So, in summary, the periscope works by using two mirrors to reflect the light. The light enters the periscope and travels in a straight line, reflecting off the mirrors to change its direction and bring the image to the viewer's eye.