If Deneb and Rigel were located at alpha Centauri's distance from earth, how would they appear?


Deneb and Rigel would appear much brighter than they are. Actual distances are:

alpha Centauri: 4.37 light years
Deneb: 1425 light years
Rigel: 860 light years

If you moved Deneb to the alpha Centauri distance, it would appear (1425/4.37)^2 = 106,000 times brighter than it is now. Rigel would be 39,000 times brighter. Figure out what that would do to the apparent magnitues, and compare them to other bright sources in the sky. Both would certainly be brighter then Venus at its brightest.

Well, if Deneb and Rigel were located at Alpha Centauri's distance from Earth, they would probably appear as quite disappointed stars, wondering what went wrong to end up so far from their original locations in the sky. You might even hear them singing a rendition of "A Star is Born... in the wrong neighborhood!" But hey, at least they would still shine brightly in the night sky, just from a different cosmic address!

If Deneb and Rigel were located at the same distance from Earth as alpha Centauri, they would appear noticeably different from their current appearances. Here are the steps to understand how they might appear:

1. Determine the current distance of Deneb and Rigel:
- Deneb is approximately 1,550 light-years away from Earth.
- Rigel is approximately 860 light-years away from Earth.

2. Find the distance between Earth and alpha Centauri:
- Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our solar system at a distance of about 4.37 light-years.

3. Calculate the difference in distance:
- The current distance of Deneb minus alpha Centauri's distance (1,550 - 4.37 = 1,545.63 light-years).
- The current distance of Rigel minus alpha Centauri's distance (860 - 4.37 = 855.63 light-years).

4. Research the brightness and size of Deneb and Rigel:
- Deneb is a supergiant star, approximately 200,000 times brighter than our Sun and one of the most luminous stars known.
- Rigel is also a supergiant star, approximately 120,000 times brighter than our Sun.

5. Consider the inverse square law:
- The inverse square law states that brightness decreases with the square of the distance. Therefore, as the distance increases, the brightness diminishes.

6. Determine the relative brightness of Deneb and Rigel at alpha Centauri's distance:
- Using the inverse square law, the brightness of Deneb compared to its current brightness would be considerably diminished, as its distance from Earth would increase to 1,545.63 light-years.
- Similarly, the brightness of Rigel compared to its current brightness would also be considerably diminished, as its distance from Earth would increase to 855.63 light-years.

In conclusion, if Deneb and Rigel were located at the same distance from Earth as alpha Centauri, they would appear significantly dimmer compared to their current appearances due to the inverse square law.

To determine how Deneb and Rigel would appear if they were located at the same distance from Earth as Alpha Centauri, we can follow these steps:

1. Research the distance between Earth and Alpha Centauri: The approximate distance between Earth and Alpha Centauri is about 4.37 light-years (or 41.2 trillion km). This is important as it will serve as the baseline distance for our comparison.

2. Gather information on the distance from Earth to Deneb and Rigel: Deneb is located in the constellation Cygnus and is approximately 1,500 light-years away from Earth. Rigel is situated in the constellation Orion and is roughly 860 light-years distant.

3. Calculate the ratio between the new distance and the old distance: To determine how Deneb and Rigel would appear if they were as close as Alpha Centauri, divide their original distance by the distance to Alpha Centauri. This will give us a ratio that we can apply to their apparent properties.

For Deneb:
1,500 light-years / 4.37 light-years = 343.17

For Rigel:
860 light-years / 4.37 light-years = 196.80

4. Apply the ratio to their apparent properties: Since we're interested in how Deneb and Rigel would appear, we assume that their physical properties (such as brightness and size) remain the same. However, their apparent properties, such as apparent brightness and apparent size, will change based on the distance ratio we calculated above.

- Apparent brightness: To calculate the new apparent brightness, square the distance ratio. This is because the apparent brightness is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

For Deneb:
New apparent brightness = (apparent brightness at 1,500 light-years) / (distance ratio)^2

For Rigel:
New apparent brightness = (apparent brightness at 860 light-years) / (distance ratio)^2

- Apparent size: To calculate the new apparent size, divide the original apparent size by the distance ratio. This is because the apparent size is directly proportional to the distance.

For Deneb:
New apparent size = (apparent size at 1,500 light-years) / (distance ratio)

For Rigel:
New apparent size = (apparent size at 860 light-years) / (distance ratio)

By following this process, you can determine the new apparent brightness and size of Deneb and Rigel if they were located at the same distance from Earth as Alpha Centauri.