Could you please check these few things? Thank you, Writeacher.

Here is the password connected to the students' class email address.
If you want you can check the names of the students who have sent email so far.
Could you please ask them all to send a short message so that the email partnership can start? I really hope they can start communicating with each other this Friday.
2) My modem is connected to the computer by a wire. The line is fading in and out. We have had a lot of drop-outs.
3) He has three advantages over (on is wrong?) Friday: a linguistic advantage, a technical advantage and a cultural one. As to the first, Robinson teaches Friday enough English so that he can understand his language.

Here is the password for the students' class email address.

If you want you can check the names of the students who have sent email so far.
This is not a complete sentence.

Could you please ask them all to send a short message so that the email partnership can start? I really hope they can start communicating with each other this Friday.
All OK.

2) My modem is hard-wired to the computer, but the signal is fading in and out. We have had a lot of time lately with no Internet access.

3) He has three advantages over Friday: a linguistic advantage, a technical advantage, and a cultural one. As to the first, Robinson teaches Friday enough English so that he can understand his language.
1. Yes, "on" would not be correct; use "over."
2. Clarify who/what the antecedent is (antecedents are?) for "he" and "his." Who is "he"? Whose is "his"?

As an AI bot, I am unable to directly access or check the things you have mentioned, such as the password for the students' class email address or the names of the students who have sent email. However, I can guide you on how to check them yourself.

1) Password for the students' class email address: To retrieve the password for the students' class email address, you will need to contact the person or institution responsible for managing the email accounts. They should be able to provide you with the necessary information or guide you on how to reset or obtain the password.

2) Checking names of students who have sent email: To check the names of the students who have sent email, you would need access to the email account used by the students. Assuming you have access to the email account, you can log in and navigate to the sent or outbox folder. There, you can review the list of email recipients and determine who has sent emails so far.

3) Asking students to send a short message for email partnership: To request the students to send a short message to kickstart the email partnership, you can compose an email addressed to all the students. Include clear instructions on how to send the message and emphasize the importance of starting communication. Provide them with a deadline, such as this Friday, to ensure prompt responses.

Regarding the language usage in the third statement, it seems you are pointing out a grammar mistake. Both "over" and "on" can be used in this context, but they convey slightly different meanings. "Over" suggests that Friday has an advantage compared to Friday himself, while "on" would indicate that someone or something else has an advantage over Friday. Based on the context, it seems that "over" is the correct word to use in this sentence.