Tim and Ray have the same mass and they both climb up the same hill. Tim climbs the hill in 12 minutes and Ray in 22 minutes. a) Who does more work? b) Who develops the most power?

You are wasting your time here, and ours. Try reading the book , doing some thinking, and answering the questions yourself.

wow I thought this was a homework help site. Not a be rude to someone you don't even know site? I have read the book thanks but physics is a hard topic to understand. You wasted your own time by commenting that rude comment. Thanks bye x

They done the same work (W=mgh)

Power = Work/time

Thanks, Elena, for pointing out the two equations needed to answer the question.

To determine who does more work and who develops the most power, we need to understand the formulas for work and power.

Work (W) is defined as the force applied on an object multiplied by the distance through which the force is applied. Mathematically, it can be represented as W = F * d, where W is work, F is force, and d is distance.

Power (P) is the rate at which work is done or the amount of work done per unit of time. Mathematically, it can be represented as P = W / t, where P is power, W is work, and t is time.

Now let's apply these formulas to compare Tim and Ray:

a) To determine who does more work, we need to find out the force and distance for both climbers. Given that both Tim and Ray have the same mass, their force will be equal. However, since they are climbing the same hill, the distance they cover will also be the same. Therefore, both Tim and Ray do the same amount of work.

b) To determine who develops the most power, we need to calculate the power for both climbers. Since power is the rate of doing work, we can divide the amount of work done by each climber by the respective time they took to climb.

For Tim:
Power (P) = Work (W) / Time (t)
P_Tim = W_Tim / t_Tim

For Ray:
Power (P) = Work (W) / Time (t)
P_Ray = W_Ray / t_Ray

Since both Tim and Ray cover the same distance, their work will be the same. Therefore, the climber who takes a shorter time will have a higher power.

Comparing t_Tim and t_Ray, we see that Tim took 12 minutes, whereas Ray took 22 minutes. Thus, Tim develops the most power because he climbed the hill in a shorter time.

In summary:
a) Both Tim and Ray do the same amount of work.
b) Tim develops the most power as he climbs the hill in a shorter time.