How to round 63 for homework

What do you need to round it to?

To round the number 63, you need to determine which digit you are rounding to. In this case, let's say you want to round to the nearest whole number.

To round a number to the nearest whole number, you need to look at the digit to the right of the decimal point. In the case of 63, there is no decimal point because it is already a whole number.

Next, look at the digit to the right of the decimal point, which is non-existent in this case. Since there is no digit to the right of the decimal point, you can examine the digit to the left of the decimal point, which is 6 in this case.

If the digit to the left of the decimal point is less than 5 (0, 1, 2, 3, or 4), you round down. If it is 5 or greater (5, 6, 7, 8, or 9), you round up.

In the case of 63, the digit to the left of the decimal point is 6, which is greater than 5. Therefore, you round up.

So, rounding 63 to the nearest whole number results in 64.