Render an inviting image of a carefully sliced square piece of rich, dark fudge textured with tiny sugar crystals, resting on a porcelain plate. Alongside it, position a stainless steel ruler spanning the length to show the precision of the cut. The backdrop is a simple wooden table, enhancing the visual appeal of the plate with the fudge.

Phillip made fudge that filled a 20-cm by 21-cm by 3-cm pan.

a)what is the volume of the fudge?

b)there are 30 bpeople in the class how much fudge will each person get?

c)How should the fudge be cut so that each person gets the same sized peice?

d)what are the dimensions of each peice of fudge?

thanks for the help

Right. Each piece would be 14 by 14 by 3 cm.

for c) can you cut them in rectangles? with rows of 3 and colums of 14?

1260cm/42cm=30cm so i divided 42 by 3 and got 14.


V = 20 * 21 * 3
V = 1260 cubic cm

1260/30 = 42 cubic cm

I'll be glad to check your answers for the other two.

d) 4.5 cubic cm because 21cm / 14=1.5*3 =4.5 cubic cm???

can you please confirm this?

Hey, so glad I can help out with the people that still come back today if anyone needs help be sure to ask to have a lovely day :D

a) To find the volume of the fudge, we need to multiply the length, width, and height of the pan. In this case, the length is 20 cm, the width is 21 cm, and the height is 3 cm. So, the volume of the fudge is:

Volume = length x width x height
Volume = 20 cm x 21 cm x 3 cm
Volume = 1260 cm³

Therefore, the volume of the fudge is 1260 cubic centimeters.

b) To determine how much fudge each person will get, we need to divide the total volume of the fudge by the number of people in the class. In this case, there are 30 people. So, the amount of fudge each person will get is:

Amount per person = Volume of fudge / Number of people
Amount per person = 1260 cm³ / 30
Amount per person = 42 cm³

Therefore, each person will get approximately 42 cubic centimeters of fudge.

c) To ensure that each person gets the same-sized piece, the fudge should be cut into equal portions. With a rectangular pan, one way to achieve this is by cutting the fudge into rectangular or square shapes. You can measure and mark the dimensions of the desired portion size and use a knife or a cutter to cut the fudge accordingly.

d) The dimensions of each piece of fudge will depend on how you decide to cut it. If you choose to cut the fudge into squares, for example, you can aim for equal dimensions. You can divide the total volume of the fudge (1260 cm³) by the number of people (30) to find the volume of each piece:

Volume per piece = Volume of fudge / Number of people
Volume per piece = 1260 cm³ / 30
Volume per piece = 42 cm³

Now, you can try to cut the fudge into equal-sized cubes or rectangles with a volume of 42 cm³. This will help ensure that each person receives a portion of fudge with the same dimensions, maintaining fairness.

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