it took a ball 1 minute to roll 90 feet. What was the ball's average rate of speed, in inches per second?

90ft/1min * 1min/60sec * 12in/ft = 18 in/sec


To find the ball's average rate of speed in inches per second, we need to convert both feet and minutes to inches and seconds.

1. Convert 90 feet to inches:
Since there are 12 inches in a foot, we can calculate: 90 feet * 12 inches/foot = 1080 inches.

2. Convert 1 minute to seconds:
Since there are 60 seconds in a minute: 1 minute * 60 seconds/minute = 60 seconds.

3. Calculate the average rate of speed in inches per second:
Dividing the distance in inches by the time in seconds: 1080 inches / 60 seconds = 18 inches per second.

Therefore, the ball's average rate of speed is 18 inches per second.

To find the ball's average rate of speed in inches per second, we need to convert the given distance from feet to inches and the given time from minutes to seconds.

1 foot is equal to 12 inches, so 90 feet is equal to 90 * 12 = 1080 inches.
1 minute is equal to 60 seconds.

Now, we can calculate the average rate of speed:

Average rate of speed = Distance / Time

Distance = 1080 inches
Time = 60 seconds

Average rate of speed = 1080 inches / 60 seconds

Dividing 1080 by 60, we get:

Average rate of speed = 18 inches per second

Therefore, the ball's average rate of speed is 18 inches per second.