All of the following statements about Jaoan in the last year of the war are true except:

A. Japanese retreated from Okinawa
B. Fire bombs crippled Japanese economy and war production
C.Japanese treated Postdam Decleration with disintrest.

I think it is A but I'm not sure??

I agree.

is not A. i pick "A" and it was wrong

To determine which statement is not true, we'll need to evaluate each option.

A. Japanese retreated from Okinawa: To verify this statement, you could search for historical accounts or reliable sources that describe the events in the last year of the war in Japan, specifically related to Okinawa. Look for any evidence that suggests whether the Japanese retreated from Okinawa or not.

B. Fire bombs crippled Japanese economy and war production: Again, research historical sources to find evidence of firebombing incidents in Japan during the war and the impact they had on the Japanese economy and war production. If you find that fire bombs did have a significant impact, then this statement is true.

C. Japanese treated Potsdam Declaration with disinterest: The Potsdam Declaration was an ultimatum issued by the Allied leaders to Japan in July 1945, demanding their unconditional surrender. To validate this statement, search for information regarding Japan's response or attitude towards the Potsdam Declaration. If you find evidence that suggests Japan treated it with disinterest, then this statement is true.

After examining each statement, you can determine which one is not true by eliminating the ones that have supporting evidence. If you find evidence supporting statements A, B, and/or C, then the statement without supporting evidence would be the one that is not true.