what are some topics for argumentative writing around the world right now like troops going back to Afgan

Do you mean the topic of whether/when US troops should come home from Afghanistan?

Here's a website with all kinds of good ideas:

is this a argumentative writing Retire Ronald McDonald--Do it for our kids

mcdonal influences people
to eat
junk food
while some say
it does not
because people have a choice

You can make almost anything into a piece of argumentative writing. You just have to have a subject that all people don't agree on, take ONE side and take a strong stand, and dive in.

Yes, what you named can work. Be sure you use the links on that webpage for ideas and directions about how to write a good strong argumentative essay.

To find some current topics for argumentative writing related to global issues, you can follow these steps:

1. Stay Informed: Stay updated with global news as it plays a crucial role in finding relevant argumentative topics. Read reliable news sources, watch news channels, or follow reputable online news aggregators.

2. Identify Relevant Issues: Look for global issues that are currently making headlines or generating debates and discussions. Some common areas to focus on are politics, social justice, technology, environment, economy, health, and human rights.

Based on recent events, here are a few potential argumentative topics related to global issues:

1. COVID-19 Vaccination: Should COVID-19 vaccines be mandatory? Discuss the ethical and practical implications of mandatory vaccinations to combat the pandemic.

2. Climate Change Policies: Should governments implement stricter regulations and measures to address climate change? Analyze different perspectives and argue for or against specific policies or actions.

3. Immigration and Refugees: Should countries have more inclusive immigration policies and provide better support to refugees? Explore the ethical, economic, and cultural aspects of immigration and make a case for a particular stance.

4. Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Should countries regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation in various industries? Debate the potential impact on employment and society, while considering the ethical concerns associated with AI.

5. Online Privacy and Government Surveillance: Should governments have more access to online activities for security reasons, or should individuals' privacy be protected? Examine the balance between privacy and security, discussing the implications of government surveillance.

Remember, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and gather evidence to support your arguments when writing on any of these topics. Additionally, tailor your topic to fit your interests, ensure it is manageable, and offers substantial room for debate.