I urgently need to check some paragraphs with you. I hope you can help me. I repeated the same sentence many times to see all the possible variations. Thank you very much.

1)Defoe's novels are fcitional and retrospective autobiographies always pretending to be true stories and recollecting past events.
2) They are introduced by a preface and lack a coherent plot.
Robinson uses the goats' fat to make candles to light his cave, the goats' milk to make cheese and the goats' meat to feed himself.
3) Friday's nose is not flat as the nose of a negro/savage is.
Friday's nose is not flat like that of a negro (Like is followed by a noun, whereas "as" by a whole sentence).
His hair is not curled as that of a savave (or of savages) is.
4) His hair is not curled like that of savages. (NOT like the savage one,like savages one?)
His hair is not curled like wool as that of a savage is.
5) His skin is not quite black, but yellowish. Correction: his skin is not quite black but very tawny, though not yellowish.
6) How would you comment on the grammar mistakes in this sentence?
Friday is a brave man, a slave; he learns how to speak English, to make weapon, utensilies (use weapons, utensils) and something about the Christianity.

1)Defoe's novels are fictional and retrospective autobiographies, always pretending to be true stories and recollecting past events.

2) OK

Robinson uses the goats' fat to make candles to light his cave, the goats' milk to make cheese, and the goats' meat to feed himself.

3) Friday's nose is not flat as the nose of a negro/savage is.

Friday's nose is not flat like that of a negro

(Like is followed by a noun, whereas "as" by a whole sentence). <<<correct

His hair is not curled as that of a savave is.

4) His hair is not curled like that of savages.

His hair is not curled like lambswool.

5) His skin is not quite black, but rather tawny, though not yellowish.

6) How would you comment on the grammar mistakes in this sentence?

Friday is a brave man, a slave; he learns how to speak English, to make weapon, utensilies (use weapons, utensils) and something about the Christianity.
I'd say the sentence needs work on parallelism >>> http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/parallelism.htm

How would you fix the series in that sentence?

Sure, I can help you check these paragraphs and provide feedback on any grammar mistakes. Let's go through each sentence one by one:

1) "Defoe's novels are fictional and retrospective autobiographies always pretending to be true stories and recollecting past events." - This sentence looks grammatically correct. It effectively conveys the idea that Defoe's novels are fictional works that are presented as true stories recollecting past events.

2) "They are introduced by a preface and lack a coherent plot. Robinson uses the goats' fat to make candles to light his cave, the goats' milk to make cheese, and the goats' meat to feed himself." - The first sentence is grammatically fine, stating that the novels are introduced by a preface and lack a coherent plot. However, the following sentence seems to be unrelated to the previous one and may require clarification or restructuring for better coherence.

3) "Friday's nose is not flat as the nose of a negro/savage is. Friday's nose is not flat like that of a negro (Like is followed by a noun, whereas 'as' is followed by a whole sentence). His hair is not curled as that of a savage (or of savages) is." - The first sentence seems clear in terms of comparing Friday's nose to that of a negro or savage. However, the second sentence could be rephrased to "His hair is not curled like that of savages" to avoid repetition and improve clarity.

4) "His hair is not curled like that of savages. His hair is not curled like wool as that of a savage is." - The first sentence is grammatically fine, stating that his hair is not curled like the hair of savages. However, the second sentence could be revised as "His hair is not curled like wool, unlike that of a savage" to clarify the comparison.

5) "His skin is not quite black, but yellowish. Correction: his skin is not quite black but very tawny, though not yellowish." - The original sentence seems correct, stating that his skin is not entirely black but has a yellowish tone. However, the suggested correction changes "yellowish" to "tawny" for better accuracy.

6) "How would you comment on the grammar mistakes in this sentence? Friday is a brave man, a slave; he learns how to speak English, to make weapon, utensilies (use weapons, utensils), and something about Christianity." - Regarding this sentence, it seems to contain a few grammar mistakes. The corrected version could be "Friday is a brave man, a slave. He learns how to speak English, make weapons, use utensils, and gain some knowledge about Christianity." This revision improves sentence structure and clarifies the use of weapons and utensils.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.