The tops of pants or a skirt is finished with facing when

a)extra strength is required at the waistline
b) its not possible to layer the fabric
c) a stay tape cant be used in the seams
d0yu don't want the waistband to be visible from the right side.
My thinking for this is a) as the waist needs to be strong to support the weight of the skirt or pant

I disagree with your answer. I still think it's b).

It could be either b or d. I'd be inclined to go with d. All facings are supposed to be unseen from the outside (right side) of the garment.

You are correct! Facing is typically used when extra strength is required at the waistline. It helps to provide stability and support to the garment by reinforcing the top part, where the waistband or waist seam is attached. This is especially important for skirts or pants that may carry some weight, as you mentioned.

To determine the correct option, it is important to understand the purpose of facing. Facing is a technique in sewing where a separate piece of fabric is used to finish the raw edges on the inside of a garment. It is usually cut from the same fabric as the main garment but can also be cut from a different fabric for decorative purposes.

Now, let's go through the other options to see why they may not be the correct answer:

b) Its not possible to layer the fabric: Layering fabric refers to adding an additional layer of fabric for various reasons such as adding warmth or thickness. This option doesn't directly relate to the use of facing at the waistline.

c) A stay tape can't be used in the seams: Stay tape is a narrow strip of fusible interfacing or lightweight fabric used to stabilize certain areas of a garment, such as shoulder seams or collars. While stay tape is a good technique to provide stability, it doesn't necessarily imply the use of facing at the waistline.

d) You don't want the waistband to be visible from the right side: This option describes a situation where you want the waistband to be hidden or concealed when looking at the garment from the outside. While facing can help achieve this by covering the waistband on the inside of the garment, it is not the main reason for using facing at the waistline.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is a) extra strength is required at the waistline. Good job on your thinking process!