the components in the following glycerolphospholipid are:

| O
| ||
| O
| || +

The provided structure represents a glycerolphospholipid, which is a type of lipid molecule found in cell membranes. It consists of a glycerol backbone attached to fatty acid chains and a phosphate group. The components in the given glycerolphospholipid can be identified as follows:

1. Glycerol: The central part of the glycerolphospholipid is the glycerol molecule. It is a three-carbon alcohol with three hydroxyl groups (-OH).
2. Fatty Acid Chains: The glycerol molecule is attached to two fatty acid chains. In this case, one chain is attached to the first carbon of glycerol, and the other chain is attached to the second carbon. The structure of the fatty acid chain is shown as CH2OC(CH2)14CH3 and CHOC(CH2)14CH3, respectively. These chains are made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms.
3. Phosphate Group: The remaining hydroxyl group of the glycerol molecule is esterified with a phosphate group (PO4). This phosphate group is also attached to an amino alcohol called ethanolamine, represented as CH2OPOCH2CH2NH3.

To summarize, the components in the given glycerolphospholipid are glycerol, two fatty acid chains, and a phosphate group attached to ethanolamine.