Solve the following problem. Apply all the steps i.e decomposition, Flowcharting and Pseudo code. Also write C++ program.

Design and Write an interactive program that computes the salary in Rupees of a part-time employee based on:
- Number of days worked.
- Number of hours per day assuming that he worked the same hours every day.
- The hourly wage.


using namespace std;
int main()
int hours;
int days;
int hourRate;
int salary;
double product;

cout<<"enter part time work"<<endl;


product=hours*days*hourRate; //store


return ;
//end main()

To solve the problem and design an interactive program that computes the salary of a part-time employee, we will follow the steps of decomposition, flowcharting, and pseudocode.

We need to compute the salary of a part-time employee based on three inputs:
1. Number of days worked
2. Number of hours worked per day
3. The hourly wage

The flowchart for this program can be designed as follows:

1. Start
2. Get the number of days worked from the user
3. Get the number of hours worked per day from the user
4. Get the hourly wage from the user
5. Compute the total number of hours worked by multiplying the number of days worked by the number of hours worked per day
6. Compute the salary by multiplying the total number of hours worked by the hourly wage
7. Display the salary
8. End

Based on the flowchart, we can write the pseudocode for the program as follows:

1. Start the program
2. Prompt the user to enter the number of days worked
3. Read and store the input as daysWorked
4. Prompt the user to enter the number of hours worked per day
5. Read and store the input as hoursPerDay
6. Prompt the user to enter the hourly wage
7. Read and store the input as hourlyWage
8. Compute totalHoursWorked = daysWorked * hoursPerDay
9. Compute salary = totalHoursWorked * hourlyWage
10. Display salary
11. End the program

C++ Program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int daysWorked, hoursPerDay;
double hourlyWage, totalHoursWorked, salary;

cout << "Enter the number of days worked: ";
cin >> daysWorked;

cout << "Enter the number of hours worked per day: ";
cin >> hoursPerDay;

cout << "Enter the hourly wage: ";
cin >> hourlyWage;

totalHoursWorked = daysWorked * hoursPerDay;
salary = totalHoursWorked * hourlyWage;

cout << "The salary is: " << salary << " Rupees" << endl;

return 0;

This C++ program will prompt the user to enter the number of days worked, number of hours worked per day, and hourly wage. It will then calculate and display the salary in Rupees based on the inputs provided.