Ross ran a mile in 6.28 minutes to win a race.Don finished second with a time of 6.55 minutes.How much faster was Ross than Don?

i think the answer is 0.27 i hope its right if it is not right i will get mad

To find out how much faster Ross ran than Don, we need to calculate the time difference between their finishes.

First, we subtract Don's time from Ross's time:

6.28 minutes - 6.55 minutes = -0.27 minutes

Since the result is negative (-0.27 minutes), it means that Don's time was faster than Ross's time by 0.27 minutes.

To express this time difference in a more readable format, let's convert the time to seconds. There are 60 seconds in a minute, so:

0.27 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 16.2 seconds

Therefore, Ross ran approximately 16.2 seconds faster than Don.