Internal and external Tratis of any charter u can think of? Please help me. Your help is needed...

No one will do your work for you, but we'll be happy to comment on what you write up.

And you haven't learned how to spell the word TRAITS yet??

What is "tratis?" What is "charter?"

Please clarify and repost.

Is charter supposed to be character?

Certainly! Let's start by discussing the internal and external traits of a character. For this example, let's consider the character of Harry Potter from J.K. Rowling's famous book series.

Internal Traits:
1. Personality: Harry Potter is brave, loyal, and selfless. His actions throughout the series showcase these traits.
2. Motivations: Harry is motivated by a desire to protect his loved ones and fight against injustice, particularly against Lord Voldemort.
3. Beliefs and Values: Harry values friendship, love, and the importance of doing what is right, even in the face of adversity.
4. Strengths and Weaknesses: Harry's strengths include his innate magical abilities, his resilience, and his ability to inspire others. However, he also has weaknesses like recklessness and a tendency to underestimate those who oppose him.

External Traits:
1. Appearance: Harry has messy black hair, green eyes, and a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead from an encounter with Lord Voldemort.
2. Relationships: Harry has strong bonds with his friends, such as Ron and Hermione. He also has a complicated relationship with his adoptive family, the Dursleys.
3. Backstory: Harry's parents were killed by Lord Voldemort when he was an infant, and he subsequently grew up with his neglectful and abusive aunt and uncle.
4. Actions and Behaviors: Harry demonstrates bravery by standing up to enemies, as well as acts of kindness towards others. He also participates in Quidditch matches and solves various mysteries throughout the series.

To identify the internal and external traits of any character, consider reading or watching the source material and paying attention to their words, actions, relationships, appearance, and backstory. Such information will provide insights into the character's traits.