Internal and external Tratis of any charter u can think of? Please help me. Your help is needed...

I think you mean TRAITS, right?

External traits - looks, style of dress, facial expressions, mannerisms ...

Internal traits - personality, likes, dislikes, actions, motives ...

Sure! I can help you with that. The internal and external traits of a character are the qualities or attributes that define the character's personality, behavior, and appearance. These traits can help us understand the character better and their role in a story. Let's take the example of Sherlock Holmes, a famous fictional character.

Internal Traits:
1. Intelligence: Sherlock Holmes is known for his exceptional intellect and deductive reasoning skills.
2. Observant: He pays great attention to detail and notices things that others might overlook.
3. Analytical: Holmes approaches problems analytically, breaking down complex situations to solve mysteries.
4. Logical: He relies heavily on logic and rationality to solve crimes.
5. Perceptive: Holmes has a keen sense of perception, which allows him to make accurate judgments and draw insightful conclusions.
6. Resourceful: He is able to find creative solutions and use his surroundings to his advantage.
7. Independent: Holmes often prefers to work alone and relies on his own abilities to solve cases.

External Traits:
1. Physical appearance: Holmes is typically depicted as having a tall and lean physique, with sharp features and piercing eyes.
2. Attire: He is usually dressed in a formal manner, wearing a deerstalker hat and a cape-like overcoat.
3. Mannerisms: Holmes is known for his distinctive way of speaking, sometimes described as sharp or abrupt. He also often smokes a pipe.
4. Confidence: He exudes confidence in his abilities and is rarely shaken by difficult situations.
5. Introverted: Holmes is often portrayed as being somewhat socially aloof or isolated, preferring the company of his close associate, Dr. Watson, over large groups of people.

To identify the internal and external traits of any character, you can:
1. Analyze their actions, behaviors, and dialogue in the story or text.
2. Observe their physical appearance, clothing choices, and distinctive features.
3. Pay attention to the way they interact with other characters.
4. Consider how the character is described by the author or portrayed in adaptations.

These methods will help you identify and understand the internal and external traits of any character you are analyzing.