The table shows the times a train left Austin and arrived in San Antonio on 5 nights last week.

Mon 6:30pm left 7:22pm arrived
Tues 6:18pm left 7:10pm arrived
Wed 6:45pm left 7:37pm arrived
Thu 7:05pm left 7:57pm arrived
Fri 6:28pm left 7:20pm arrived

What is the relationship between the time the train left Austin and the time it arrived at San Antonio?
A. The train arrived in San Antonio 1 hour 8 minutes after it left Austin
B. The train arrived in San Antonio 52 minutes after it left Austin
C. The train arrived in San Antonio 48 minutes after it left Austin
D. The train arrived in San Antonio 36 minutes after it left Austin


To determine the relationship between the time the train left Austin and the time it arrived in San Antonio, we need to calculate the time difference for each night.

Calculating the time difference for each night:
1. Monday: Arrival time - Departure time = 7:22pm - 6:30pm = 52 minutes
2. Tuesday: Arrival time - Departure time = 7:10pm - 6:18pm = 52 minutes
3. Wednesday: Arrival time - Departure time = 7:37pm - 6:45pm = 52 minutes
4. Thursday: Arrival time - Departure time = 7:57pm - 7:05pm = 52 minutes
5. Friday: Arrival time - Departure time = 7:20pm - 6:28pm = 52 minutes

Since the time difference is consistently 52 minutes, we can conclude that the train arrived in San Antonio 52 minutes after it left Austin.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. The train arrived in San Antonio 52 minutes after it left Austin.