Need a little bit of help here.

1. Select the correct verb form:
A) The box of medical books was heavy.
B) The box of medical books were heavy.

2. _____are going to dinner together.
A) Me and my boss
B) My boss and I

3. Select the sentence which is correctly punctuated:
A) The time has come students, to celebrate your success.
B) The time has come, students, to celebrate your success.
C) The time has come students to celebrate your success.

4. Select the sentence which is correctly punctuated:
A) Considering I rarely say no; it is no wonder I'm so busy.
B) Considering I rarely say no, it is no wonder I'm so busy.
C) Considering I rarely say no it is no wonder I'm so busy.

5. Select the sentence which is correctly punctuated:
A) Her tumor had metastasized rapidly, therefore she had only a short time to live.
B) Her tumor had metastasized rapidly; therefore she had only a short time to live.
C) Her tumor had metastasized rapidly; therefore, she had only a short time to live.

6. Select the correct verb form:
A) There was no reported side effects.
B) There were no reported side effects.

7. Mrs. Smith is a patient _____I have not seen for 3 years.
A) who
B) whom

1. A
2. B
3. Thinking its A, but B might be correct. (Always second guess myself)
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A

Yes, 3 is B.

I'm not sure about 5. Your answer for 7 is wrong.

The others are correct. :-)

Thank you Ms. Sue!

You're welcome, Jenny.

Here are the correct answers for the questions:

1. The correct answer is A) The box of medical books was heavy. The verb form "was" agrees with the singular noun "box."

2. The correct answer is B) My boss and I are going to dinner together. When referring to yourself and someone else as the subject of a sentence, use the pronoun "I" instead of "me" and place it after the other person's name or pronoun.

3. The correct answer is B) The time has come, students, to celebrate your success. This sentence is correctly punctuated with commas before and after the word "students" to set off the direct address.

4. The correct answer is B) Considering I rarely say no, it is no wonder I'm so busy. This sentence is correctly punctuated with a comma after the introductory phrase "Considering I rarely say no."

5. The correct answer is C) Her tumor had metastasized rapidly; therefore, she had only a short time to live. This sentence is correctly punctuated with a semicolon before the conjunctive adverb "therefore" and a comma after it.

6. The correct answer is B) There were no reported side effects. The plural verb form "were" agrees with the plural noun "side effects."

7. The correct answer is A) who. Use the pronoun "who" when the person is the subject of the verb in the relative clause. In this case, Mrs. Smith is the subject of "I have not seen."

Remember, when in doubt, it is always a good idea to review grammar rules and examples to ensure the correct answer.