Consider a game where Ann and Bob play against each other in a dice game, Ann wins if her score is higher than Bob's, Bob wins if his score is higher or if the scores are the same. What is the probability of Ann winning? I calculated and got 1 - summation from 1 to 6 of n over 36 which gave me 15/36.

Now if Ann can roll a second time what is the probability that she will win?I calculated and got 1 - summation from 1 to 6 of n^2/216 which got me 125/216
Finally if Ann can roll twice and Bob rolls twice what is the probability that Ann will win? Again I calculated and got 1 - summation from 1 to 6 of (n^2)(2n-1) over 1296 which got me the answer 505/1296. Now my question how do I calculate the probability in further cases where Ann and Bob roll n times, by finding a general formula?

To calculate the probability for Ann winning in further cases where Ann and Bob roll n times, you can use the concept of probability and combinatorics.

In this game, Ann and Bob each roll a six-sided die. Let's denote Ann's final score as A and Bob's final score as B.

Let's break down the problem into smaller steps to find a general formula for the probability.

Step 1: Calculating the probability for a single roll
In a single roll, there are six possible outcomes, each with an equal probability of 1/6. The probability of Ann winning in a single roll can be calculated as (number of outcomes where Ann wins) / (total number of outcomes).

There are three scenarios where Ann can win:
1. If Ann rolls a higher number than Bob, there is 1 outcome.
2. If Ann rolls the same number as Bob, Ann wins (according to the game rules), so there is 1 outcome.
3. If Ann rolls a lower number than Bob, there are 0 outcomes.

Therefore, the probability of Ann winning in a single roll is (1 + 1) / 6 = 2 / 6 = 1 / 3.

Step 2: Generalizing the formula for multiple rolls
To find the probability for Ann winning in multiple rolls, you need to consider the outcomes of each individual roll and their combined probability.

Let's denote the number of times Ann and Bob roll as n.

In each roll, Ann and Bob each have six possible outcomes, giving a total of 6^n outcomes for n rolls.

To calculate the probability of Ann winning, you need to find the number of outcomes where Ann's score is higher or the same as Bob's for each individual roll.

The number of outcomes where Ann's score is higher in a single roll can be calculated as (n + 1) / 2, since there are (n + 1) possible numbers for Ann to roll, and each has an equal probability of occurring.

The number of outcomes where Ann's score is the same as Bob's in a single roll is 1.

Therefore, the number of outcomes where Ann's score is higher or the same as Bob's in n rolls is ((n + 1) / 2 + 1)^n.

Finally, the probability of Ann winning in n rolls is ((n + 1) / 2 + 1)^n / 6^n.

This formula represents the probability of Ann winning in any given number of rolls, and you can plug in any value of n to find the specific probability for that case.

I hope this explanation helps!