In the word ecologists, is eco the root morpheme or ology? Are the morphemes eco, log, y, ist, s or ec, ology, ist, s ?

This is very confusing for me. Any explanation on how to find the root would be appreciated. It's easy to find roots on some words, but words like ecology, financially, and contributions are more difficult. I'm not sure about the morphemes either.

For example, on contributions are the morphemes con, trib, ute, ion, s or con, tribute, ion, s?

Finding the root morpheme in words can indeed be confusing, especially in complex words like the ones you mentioned. However, there are some strategies you can use to help identify the root morpheme.

1. Start with the suffixes: It's usually easier to identify suffixes, which are endings added to the root. For example, in the word "ecologists," the suffix is "-ists." Suffixes often provide information about the function or meaning of a word.

2. Look for prefixes: Similar to suffixes, prefixes are added to the beginning of a root. In the word "ecologists," there is no discernible prefix.

3. Identify the base word: Many complex words are actually derived from simpler words. In "ecologists," the base word is "ecology." By identifying the base word, you can focus on the remaining part to find the root morpheme.

To determine the root morpheme from the base word, "ecology," we can apply the same strategies:

1. Suffixes: In "ecology," the only suffix present is "-y." This suffix is commonly used to form abstract nouns, often from adjectives or other nouns.

2. Prefixes: There are no visible prefixes in "ecology."

3. Base word: Now that we have identified the suffixes and prefixes, we are left with the base word "eco." This is the root morpheme.

To answer your specific questions:

In the word "ecologists," the root morpheme is "eco," and the other morphemes are derived from it. So the morphemes are ecol, og, ist, and s, or ec, olog, ist, and s.

In the example of "contributions," the root morpheme is "trib," and the other morphemes are derived from it. So the morphemes are con, tribut, ion, and s, or con, tribute, ion, and s.

Remember, this process might vary depending on the word and its origin, but understanding the basic principles will help you identify the root morpheme more easily.

To identify the root morpheme in a word, it helps to break down the word into its constituent parts, or morphemes. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a word. In the word "ecologists," we can dissect it as follows:

Eco- log-ist-s

In this case, "eco" is a prefix, not the root morpheme. "Log" is the root morpheme because it carries the core meaning of the word, which is related to the study or science of something. The suffixes "-ist" (denoting a person who specializes in a particular field) and "-s" (indicating plural) are additional morphemes that do not contribute to the root meaning.

Similarly, for "contributions":

Con- trib- ute- ion-s

In this case, "con" is a prefix, while "trib" is the root morpheme as it represents the core meaning related to giving or offering. The suffixes "-ute" (indicating the act of) and "-ion" (indicating the result or action) are additional morphemes, with "-s" indicating plural.