Doing an assignment on act 4 scene 1-2 of Romeo and Juliet's symbols

I have to use these symbols and find an object for each one that reflects it it needs evidence too
Here are the symbols and thanks for all your help


Foolishness of the feud




Scroll down and read about symbols.
Then go here and read the scenes you need to go through. Shakespeare's original English is on the left; modern-day English is on the right.

Roses are often used as symbols of love.

Let us know what else you find.

Remember that symbols are THINGS that represent ideas or emotions or something intangible.

What do you think Juliet's tears (they are THINGS) represent?


19 does Julia’s sound sincere or sarcastic in this line

For your assignment on Act 4, Scene 1-2 of Romeo and Juliet, you need to find an object for each symbol and provide evidence to support your choices. Let's go through each symbol and find suitable objects:

1. Love: This symbol represents the intense affection and passion between Romeo and Juliet. To find an object that reflects love, you can consider using a red heart-shaped locket. The locket represents love, and you can provide evidence by referring to the scene where Romeo and Juliet profess their love for each other, such as Romeo's quote, "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!" (Act 1, Scene 5).

2. Foolishness of the feud: This symbolizes the irrationality and senselessness of the long-standing Montague and Capulet feud. To represent this symbol, you can choose a broken chain. The broken chain signifies the disconnect and futility of the feud. You can support your choice by citing lines like "O, brother Montague, give me thy hand...
And raise our story to the former height" (Act 5, Scene 3), where the feud ends only after the death of Romeo and Juliet.

3. Extremes: This symbolizes the contrast between extreme emotions, choices, and actions throughout the play. To represent this symbol, you can select a Yin and Yang symbol. The Yin and Yang symbolize the duality and balance of extreme forces. Evidence for this choice can be found in the scene where Juliet contemplates drastic measures to avoid marrying Paris, saying "If all else fail, myself have power to die" (Act 4, Scene 1).

4. Loyalty: This symbolizes the trust, devotion, and faithfulness displayed by certain characters in the play. To represent loyalty, you can choose a friendship bracelet. The bracelet signifies loyalty and can be supported by referencing lines like when Friar Laurence helps Juliet by providing her a potion to fake her death. This act demonstrates loyalty towards Juliet.

5. Dreams/Fate: This symbol represents the belief that events and outcomes are predetermined or influenced by supernatural forces. To represent this symbol, you can choose a crystal ball. The crystal ball symbolizes the ability to see into the future and the influence of fate. Evidence for this choice can be found in Romeo's premonition of his own death in Act 5, Scene 1: "I dreamt my lady came and found me dead."

Remember to explain your choices by providing relevant evidence from the scenes. Good luck with your assignment!