When you bungee jump,you are falling under free fall untill you reach the end of the elastic rope bungee jump organisers must use the weight of a jumper to calculate the length of elastic to use.why is this calculatoin important?

The calculation of the length of elastic rope to use in a bungee jump is important because it ensures the safety and experience of the jumper. When a person bungee jumps, they experience a period of free fall until the elastic rope reaches its maximum extension. After that point, the rope starts to contract, which slows down and eventually brings the jumper to a stop.

To determine the length of elastic rope needed, bungee jump organizers use the weight of the jumper. This is because the weight influences the force exerted on the rope when the jumper reaches the end of the free fall.

The length of the elastic rope is calculated based on the weight of the jumper and the desired maximum extension of the rope. If the rope is too short, the jumper may not experience enough deceleration and could be violently brought to a stop. On the other hand, if the rope is too long, the jumper might not experience a significant deceleration or might hit the ground before being safely stopped by the rope.

Therefore, by accurately calculating the length of the elastic rope based on the jumper's weight, bungee jump organizers can ensure a controlled and safe descent, providing an exhilarating experience without compromising safety.