Hi I hope you are feeling better

I have 4 sentences.

answer the questions positively using complete sentences. Present - preterite - I am so confused on this thank you

- Te cepillaste los dientes despues de comer?

- Se maquilla Julia antes de salir a bailar?

Se duchan ustedes antes de entrar en la piscina?

Se pones sombreros los turistas cuando van a la playa?

Go to google and type in spanish english translater, or something. Then type in those sentences and the sentence in english would pop up.

Thank you for using the Jiska Homework Help Forum. Today I had hand surgery and can only use one finger with the right hand.

You say present to preterit but the first sentence is preterit! That would be preterit to preterit? If so = Sí, me cepillé los dientes después de comer.

#2 pres to pret = Sí, Julia se maquilló etc.

Nosotros nos duchamos etc.

It can't be "Se pones" BUT "Se ponen" = Los turistas se pusieron etc.


P.S. I don't understand the 2nd post.

To answer these questions using complete sentences, you will need to understand the verb conjugations in the present (presente) and preterite (preterito) tenses in Spanish.

1. Te cepillaste los dientes después de comer? (Did you brush your teeth after eating?)

To answer positively in the preterite tense: Sí, me cepillé los dientes después de comer. (Yes, I brushed my teeth after eating.)

2. ¿Se maquilla Julia antes de salir a bailar? (Does Julia put on makeup before going out to dance?)

To answer positively in the present tense: Sí, Julia se maquilla antes de salir a bailar. (Yes, Julia puts on makeup before going out to dance.)

3. ¿Se duchan ustedes antes de entrar en la piscina? (Do you all shower before entering the pool?)

To answer positively in the present tense: Sí, nosotros nos duchamos antes de entrar en la piscina. (Yes, we shower before entering the pool.)

4. ¿Se ponen sombreros los turistas cuando van a la playa? (Do tourists wear hats when they go to the beach?)

To answer positively in the present tense: Sí, los turistas se ponen sombreros cuando van a la playa. (Yes, tourists wear hats when they go to the beach.)

Remember to pay attention to the verb conjugations in each question and select the appropriate form of the verb when answering.