i need 10 french slang terms.

but they need to be 10 slang terms that teens use .


Sure! I can provide you with 10 French slang terms that are commonly used by teenagers. However, it's important to note that slang terms can be informal and might not be suitable for all contexts. Here are 10 contemporary slang terms that are frequently used by French teens:

1. Bof - This term expresses indifference or lack of enthusiasm. It can be translated as "whatever" or "meh."
To find more French slang terms, you can search online resources or consult French-language teen magazines and websites that cater to youth culture.

2. Cimer - This slang term is an abbreviation of "merci" (thank you). It is used to express gratitude or appreciation among friends.

3. Grave - This word is used to emphasize agreement or to express that something is "totally" or "seriously" true.

4. Ouf - This slang term comes from the word "fou" (crazy) and means "crazy" or "insane." It is often used to describe something exciting or extraordinary.

5. Kiffer - This term means to "enjoy" or "love" something. It's often used to express a strong liking for something or someone.

6. BG - This is an abbreviation for "beau gosse," which means a good-looking guy.

7. Meuf - This is a slang term for "fille" (girl). It is often used among friends to refer to girls in a casual way.

8. Frangin/frangine - These terms mean "brother" (frangin) and "sister" (frangine) and are often used between close friends or siblings.

9. Se casser - This term means "to leave" or "to go away." It is often used in a dismissive or casual manner.

10. Ça passe crème - This slang expression means that something is "going smoothly" or "working out well."

Remember, slang terms can vary by region and evolve over time, so it's always a good idea to check with French-speaking friends or online resources to ensure that the slang you're using is currently in use.