Q: Sartre says that we are ______________ if we blame our nature or behavior on history, genetics, environment, or other people.

a. being reasonable
b. revealing a self-destructive impulse
c. acting in an authentic manner
d. acting in bad faith
e. fighting for control

Thank u!

Any attempt to blame outside forces for our behavior is to divert from personal responsibility and logic into emotionalism. As such, it is an act of bad faith. d.


According to Sartre, if we blame our nature or behavior on history, genetics, environment, or other people, we are acting in bad faith. To arrive at this answer, you need to understand Sartre's concept of bad faith and how it relates to personal responsibility and authenticity.

Bad faith, in Sartrean philosophy, refers to the act of denying one's freedom and responsibility for one's actions. It involves avoiding taking ownership of one's choices and instead attributing them to external factors. Blaming outside forces for our behavior is an example of this act of bad faith because it is an attempt to avoid personal responsibility and accountability.

In contrast, acting in an authentic manner involves recognizing and embracing our freedom to choose and taking full responsibility for our actions. Sartre believes that individuals have the capacity to shape their own lives and are solely responsible for the choices they make.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question is d. acting in bad faith.