What is Tan’s strategy behind including a direct quotation from her mother (paragraph 6) rather

than paraphrasing what she said?

What is Tan’s strategy in including a direct quotation from her mother (para. 6) rather than paraphrasing what she said?

Tan's strategy behind including a direct quotation from her mother in paragraph 6 rather than paraphrasing what she said is to provide the reader with an authentic and genuine voice. By presenting the exact words of her mother, Tan is able to convey the emotion and personal connection in her mother's message more effectively. This direct quotation adds credibility and allows the reader to experience the conversation as if they were present themselves. It also adds a sense of realism and intimacy to the narrative, making it more relatable and engaging for the reader.

Tan's strategy behind including a direct quotation from her mother in paragraph 6 is to provide authentic and personal insight into her mother's beliefs and values. By using a direct quotation, Tan allows her mother's words to speak for themselves. This choice also adds a sense of immediacy and emotional impact to the passage.

To understand the specific reasons behind Tan's decision, we can analyze the passage itself and the context in which it is presented. Here are the steps to do that:

1. Read paragraph 6 carefully: First, read paragraph 6 of the text to identify the quotation and its purpose in the overall context.

2. Analyze the purpose of the quotation: Consider why Tan chose to directly quote her mother instead of paraphrasing. Look for any clues in the paragraph or in the preceding and following paragraphs that may explain her decision. Consider whether the quotation adds authenticity, emotional resonance, or any other specific effect to her writing.

3. Consider the mother's voice and perspective: Evaluate the significance of capturing her mother's words verbatim. Think about how Tan's mother's phrasing, language, or dialect contributes to the understanding of her character, beliefs, or cultural background.

4. Examine potential alternatives: Finally, imagine how the passage might have been different if Tan had chosen to paraphrase her mother's words. Consider whether paraphrasing would have achieved the same goals or if using the direct quotation had a unique impact.

By analyzing these factors, you can gain insight into Tan's strategic choice to include a direct quotation from her mother and understand how it contributes to the overall narrative or argument being presented.

Why does anyone, whether when writing a story or a research paper, use a direct quotation rather than a paraphrase or summary?

THINK about why people do that; then post what YOU THINK.