A physical pendulum consists of 3.8 m long sticks joined together as shown in Fig. 15-41. What is the pendulum's period of oscillation about a pin inserted through point A at the center of the horizontal stick?

Who can help me with this problem?

To solve this problem, you can seek help from a physics teacher, professor, or a knowledgeable friend who is familiar with the concept of pendulums and oscillations.

You can also consult textbooks or online resources that explain the physics principles behind pendulums and their periods of oscillation. Websites or forums dedicated to physics or engineering may also have experts or enthusiasts who can assist you with this problem.

In addition to seeking help from others, you can also try to understand the concept and solve the problem step by step on your own. This can involve using relevant equations and formulas related to pendulum motion and performing calculations based on given parameters such as the length of the pendulum and the point of rotation.

Remember to gather all the necessary information, such as the mass of the pendulum, and refer to any provided diagrams or figures to ensure accuracy in your calculations.