If the specific gravity of ice is 0.92, what is the mass of one cubic meter of ice in grams?

To find the mass of one cubic meter of ice in grams, we need to multiply the density of ice by the volume.

The volume of a cube is calculated by taking the length of one side cubed. In this case, the side length is 1 meter, so the volume is 1^3 = 1 cubic meter.

The density of a substance is calculated by dividing its mass by its volume. However, in this case, we are given the specific gravity of ice, which is the ratio of the density of ice to the density of water. The specific gravity of ice is 0.92, which means the density of ice is 0.92 times the density of water.

Since the density of water is approximately 1000 kg/m³, we can find the density of ice by multiplying the specific gravity by the density of water:
Density of ice = Specific gravity of ice * Density of water
Density of ice = 0.92 * 1000 kg/m³ = 920 kg/m³

To convert the density from kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m³) to grams per cubic meter (g/m³), we multiply by 1000:
Density of ice = 920 kg/m³ * 1000 g/kg = 920,000 g/m³

Finally, to find the mass of one cubic meter of ice in grams, we multiply the density by the volume:
Mass = Density * Volume
Mass = 920,000 g/m³ * 1 m³ = 920,000 g

Therefore, the mass of one cubic meter of ice is 920,000 grams.