What are 3 types of chemical reactions

3 types:




Also single replacement (or displacement) and double displacement.

To determine the three types of chemical reactions, we need to understand the different ways in which atoms rearrange during a chemical reaction. Here are three common types:

1. Combination (Synthesis) Reactions:
In a combination reaction, two or more substances combine to form a single product. The key is to identify that two or more reactants combine to create a more complex product. For example:
A + B → AB

2. Decomposition Reactions:
In a decomposition reaction, a single compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances. The reaction is the opposite of a synthesis reaction. For example:
AB → A + B

3. Single Replacement (Displacement) Reactions:
In a single replacement reaction, one element in a compound is replaced by another element. The key is identifying that one element is being replaced by another across the reaction. For example:
A + BC → AC + B

It is important to note that these are just three examples, and there are several other types of chemical reactions, including double replacement reactions, combustion reactions, and redox reactions. The study of chemistry involves understanding these different reaction types and their underlying principles.