do the following with correct forms of ser or estar

Manuel Roberto! No ____1__ listo? Debemos __2____ en la fiests a las ocho.

Roberto Es que todavia ___3____ buscando mi ropa.

Manuel Ay, Roberto!Tu ____4____ un desastre!

Roberto Por que no me ayundas a encontrar mi corbata favoita? ____5___

Manuel ___6_____ de algodon?

Roberto No, de seda.

Manuel No la encuentro. Mira, ya ____7____ las siete. Lleva otra corbata.

1. es
2. estoy
3. esoty
4. es
5. es
6. soy
7. estan



1. estás

2. estar
3. estoy
4. eres
5. es
6. es
7. son las


Manuel: Roberto! ¿No __1__ listo? Debemos __2____ en la fiesta a las ocho.

Roberto: Es que todavía __3__ buscando mi ropa.

Manuel: Ay, Roberto! Tú __4__ un desastre!

Roberto: ¿Por qué no me ayundas a encontrar mi corbata favorita? __5___ azul.

Manuel: ¿__6__ de algodón?

Roberto: No, de seda.

Manuel: No la encuentro. Mira, ya __7__ las siete. Lleva otra corbata.

1. es: The verb "ser" is used in this sentence because it is describing the permanent or inherent characteristic of Manuel not being ready.
To find the answer, you can recognize that the subject "Manuel" is singular and the verb needs to agree with it. Since "es" is the third person singular form of "ser", it is the correct choice.

2. estoy: The verb "estar" is used in this sentence because it is describing the temporary state of Roberto looking for his clothes.
To find the answer, you can recognize that the subject "Roberto" is singular and the verb needs to agree with it. Since "estoy" is the first person singular form of "estar", it is the correct choice.

3. estoy: The correct form is "estoy". The verb "estar" is used because it describes Roberto's temporary state of searching for his clothes. "Esoty" is not a valid form of the verb "estar".

4. eres: The correct form is "eres". The verb "ser" is used because it describes the inherent characteristic or quality of Roberto being a disaster. "Es" is the third person singular form of "ser" and "eres" is the second person singular form.

5. es: The correct form is "es". The verb "ser" is used because it describes the permanent or inherent characteristic of Roberto's tie being blue. "Soy" is the first person singular form of "ser" and "es" is the third person singular form.

6. de algodón: The correct form is "de algodón". The phrase "de algodón" means "made of cotton" and is used to describe the material of the tie. "Soy" is the first person singular form of "ser", but in this context, it doesn't make sense.

7. son: The correct form is "están". The verb "estar" is used because it describes the temporary state of the time being seven o'clock. "Son" is the third person plural form of "ser" and "están" is the third person plural form of "estar". Since the subject is plural (las siete), "están" is the correct choice. "Son" is used for describing permanent characteristics or qualities.