A student says that a 98% angle has a complement Explain why this is incorrect?

angle and its complement = 90º

The statement made by the student is incorrect. An angle cannot have a complement that measures 98% because a complement, by definition, is formed by two angles whose measures add up to 90 degrees.

To explain why this is incorrect, we need to recall the concept of complementary angles. Complementary angles are two angles that, when added together, result in a sum of 90 degrees. In other words, the measures of complementary angles always add up to 90 degrees.

For example, let's suppose the given angle measure is 60 degrees. To find the complement of this angle, we subtract its measure from 90 degrees:

90 degrees - 60 degrees = 30 degrees.

So, in this case, the complement of the given angle measuring 60 degrees is 30 degrees, not 98%.

In general, any angle with a measure greater than 90 degrees cannot have a complement, as the sum of the measures of complementary angles must equal 90 degrees. Therefore, the student's statement regarding a 98% angle having a complement is incorrect.