Your goal for this project is to write an unsigned 16-bit software implementation of both the multiplier and the divider architectures found in the book.

You are required to read two unsigned integers from the console. The valid range for both values is 0 to 65535. Your program will multiply and divide them and provide the product, quotient, and remainder. Your program must include a trap (i.e. a notification and graceful exit) for divide-by-zero.

Here’s an example run:
Enter an integer: 10
Enter an integer: 4
Product is 40
Quotient is 2
Remainder is 2

For you benefit, I suggest you start with a pseudocode or a draft coding even if it does not compile.

From the starting point, we can better help you without doing it for you.

I got the code and it works..............its just that I don't know how to do it wihtout using the "mult" and "div" operands.

To write an unsigned 16-bit software implementation of the multiplier and divider architectures, you can follow the steps below:

1. Read two unsigned integers from the console (let's call them num1 and num2).
2. Initialize a variable named "product" to store the result of the multiplication.
3. Use a loop to repeat the following steps for each bit in the binary representation of num2:
3.1. Check if the current bit of num2 is 1:
- If it is 1, add num1 to the product.
- If it is 0, do nothing.
3.2. Left-shift num1 by 1 (multiply by 2) to consider the next bit of num2.
4. After the loop, the value stored in the "product" variable will be the result of the multiplication.

1. Read two unsigned integers from the console (let's call them dividend and divisor).
2. Check if the divisor is 0:
- If it is 0, display a message indicating a divide-by-zero error and gracefully exit the program.
3. Initialize variables named "quotient" and "remainder" to store the results of the division.
4. Use a loop to subtract the divisor from the dividend until the dividend becomes less than the divisor:
4.1. Subtract the divisor from the dividend.
4.2. Increment the quotient by 1.
5. The final value of the "quotient" variable will be the quotient, and the final value of the "remainder" variable will be the remainder.

To implement the solution in your preferred programming language, you can use the provided logic and convert it into code according to the syntax and features of the language you are using.