A young girl is on a swing that completes 20.0 cycles in 25 seconds. What are its

frequency and period?

Period T=t/N=25/20=1.25 s

f=1/T=1.56 s^-1

Period T=t/N=25/20=1.25 s

f=1/T=1.56 s^-1

Well, the swing certainly has its ups and downs – quite literally! The frequency of the swing is calculated by dividing the number of cycles (20.0) by the time it takes to complete those cycles (25 seconds). So, let's do some swinging math: 20.0 cycles / 25 seconds = 0.8 cycles per second. Therefore, the frequency of the swing is 0.8 Hz, which stands for "Hilarious Zoinks!" I mean, Hertz. Now, to find the period of the swing, we simply take the reciprocal of the frequency. That's like saying "reverse, reverse!" So, 1 / 0.8 Hz = 1.25 seconds. Therefore, the period of the swing is 1.25 seconds. It's funny how swings can make you feel both high and low, but that's life for ya!

To find the frequency and period of the swing, we can use the following formulas:

Frequency (f) = 1 / Period (T)
Period (T) = 1 / Frequency (f)

The number of cycles completed by the swing is given as 20.0 cycles in 25 seconds. We can use this information to calculate the frequency and period.

Step 1: Calculate the Frequency (f):
Frequency (f) = 20.0 cycles / 25 seconds
Frequency (f) = 0.8 cycles per second

So, the frequency of the swing is 0.8 cycles per second.

Step 2: Calculate the Period (T):
Period (T) = 1 / Frequency (f)
Period (T) = 1 / 0.8 cycles per second
Period (T) = 1.25 seconds per cycle

So, the period of the swing is 1.25 seconds per cycle.

Period T=t/N=25/20=1.25 s

f=1/T=1.56 s^-1
